martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Styles: Crawl

Male Front Crawl swimmer. Improve your Front Crawl with our tips article.

Hi Guys!
Today I’m going to write about the first Swimming style: Crawl is also knows as Freestyle.
The front crawl calls for you to kick hard with your feet, while bringing your arms over your head and into the water one at a time. You must keep your body as straight as possible. Your breathing also holds importance, as you must date the breaths that you take with your swimming strokes.
the front crawl is not regulated by the FINA.
Well the Freestyles was the first swimming style.
Well,When I learned this style it was difficult for me because you must keep the breathing
for long time so you have to practice a lot. What do you think? Well if you want to apply this technique you must practice! In the beginning it's difficult,but you can do it!.
That's all for today... see you :D
Freestyle swimming2.gifFreestyle swimming.gif

1 comentario:

  1. That's really interesting and I think it is a lot of difficult to do that because I suposse It is so tired.
