viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Michael Phelps

Hi guys! c: Today I'm going to write about the best swimmer in the Olympic History.
 Have you ever heard about Michael Phelps? 
Well,Let me tell you about Phelps.
His full name is Michael  Fred Phelps II. He was born on June 30,1985.
He has  the record because for winning the most medals ,he has won 22 medals. 
He has participated in the Olympic Games since he was 15 years old as part of US men's swim team.
Phelps has won 18 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 2 bronze medals. Amazing! you may say. c:
I think that his greatest achiment was when he 's won 8 golds medals. What do you think? Anotoher
that I think is an achivement was when he've gotten the record because he won 22 medals.
He is a successful man! He is the best swimmer in the olympic history. Wow! :3 
Michael Phelps is my favorite swimmer and you? 
Well,he announced his retirement in 2012 can you believe? I thought why? Why Phelps? I was very angry!However in April 2014,he announced that he wouldreturn to professional competition at the age of 28.
In 2001 he set the world record in the 200.meter butterfly when he was 15 years old,he was the youngest male swimmer in the history.
If you can see, he is the better swimmer! applauses for him! :D I really admire his career.
What do you think about him? Do you admire his achivements? 
That's all guys! Thanks for your comments! 
Seee you.


5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I love that guy!!! and swimming too!!! He's the best swimmer absolutely!!!

  3. excellent job Sandra! you used your grammar in a correct way!

  4. I had hear about him and I think he is a really succesful man but I know he had some problems with drungs and for me that was a
    mistaken situation.
