jueves, 29 de enero de 2015


Hi everyone! I'm going to write the lastes swimming style:Sidestroke. So let's start! It's easy to swim side stroke.The sidestroke named because the swimmer lies on one's side with asymmetric arm and leg motion and it is helpful as a lifesaving technique and is often used for long distance.
The sidestroke allows the swimmer increased endurance because, instead of working both arms and legs in the same way and in the same time.
Well exist different way to breathe  but for me the easiest way to breathe is to let the head follow the spine. 

When I practice this technique my coach told me that first I had to practice in one direction in other words whit the left or right arm and after this practice I had to change the arm. I think that this happen with every style you have to change the side,

That's al guys! See you soon! :D 

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