jueves, 29 de enero de 2015



Hi guys! Today I'm going to write about breaststroke.

Well the most important thing about breaststroke is to keep your body level at the surface.
A stroke made in the prone position in which both hands move simultaneously forward, outward and rearward from in front of the chest, and the legs move in a frog-like manner.
One interesting fact about this style is that some people refer to breaststroke as the "frog" stroke,if you can see another animal in this sport! The reason it's because  the arms and legs move like a frog swimming in the water. Can you imagine?...
When I've learned this technique my coach always told me you had to practice the "frog style"and my sister laugh a lot because she imagined a frog after the coach told me that other people know this technique as Breaststroke.She told me that it doesn't matter the name,the most important is practice the correct position of the body,
That's all for today guys! See you... c:

1 comentario:

  1. This is one of my favorites. At the beginning, wen I had just learnt it I was really slow, but then I when I practiced it more I realize that I wasn't so slow but not fast .
