domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

A letter of complain

Dear Editor,
I´m writing to express my concern about an advert which appeared on page 90 on your magazine las month.I found it to be misleading and untruthful.
This advert, which is for a skin cream calles Oil of Elixir claims to stop skin from ageing.However, I’ve used the cream and I suffered itching and irritation in my face, so I went to the hospital the doctor told me that I had an alergic because the cream conteined one herb that caused my allergy. I tried to found all the ingredients that the cream contains but it is difficult because the cream only says that contains herb but there are different kind of herbs.
I think that all the products must have warning or precautions about:  "what you will do if you suffer an allergy",because I didn’t found something in the cream.
On other hand,I found one lie in your advert because Cleopatra didn’t have a mountaint palace, so I think the advert containts lies in the information that you advertised about the product.
I am regular reader of your magazine and I have always found it to be interesting and Informative.It was the reason why  I bought the cream because I thought that you advertised exelent countains in your magazine.Therefore , I urge you to remove it from your next issue and check all the adverts more carefully. If you don’t remove it,I will demand you.


domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

Interview Report.

Karla Flores’ Report
During the interview with Miss Flores, I discovered interesting information about her. She is very patient with others especially with children. I found one thing about her that I don’t like, she told me that she sometimes forgets than she has homework or tasks. She told me that she forgot to do easy homework or tasks that she considers not important. Everything is important she must to be more responsible because we need accomplished people although the work is easy. I found one contradiction when I asked her “How would your friends describe you?” She told me that her friends thinks that she is nice, interesting, friendly and responsible person but she sometimes forgets to do homework. Anyway, she is looking for a job as a teacher for children. She told me that she enjoys work in a team because she can change opinions or ideas, when she works in a team she can compare her ideas with others. She told me that her greatest achievement is still studying with good grades. She would like to get a good job and she’d like to be with her family.

In conclusion I take on her, because she’s studied very well although she sometimes forgets to do some tasks.She’s very patient and she works well in a team,

viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Michael Phelps

Hi guys! c: Today I'm going to write about the best swimmer in the Olympic History.
 Have you ever heard about Michael Phelps? 
Well,Let me tell you about Phelps.
His full name is Michael  Fred Phelps II. He was born on June 30,1985.
He has  the record because for winning the most medals ,he has won 22 medals. 
He has participated in the Olympic Games since he was 15 years old as part of US men's swim team.
Phelps has won 18 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 2 bronze medals. Amazing! you may say. c:
I think that his greatest achiment was when he 's won 8 golds medals. What do you think? Anotoher
that I think is an achivement was when he've gotten the record because he won 22 medals.
He is a successful man! He is the best swimmer in the olympic history. Wow! :3 
Michael Phelps is my favorite swimmer and you? 
Well,he announced his retirement in 2012 can you believe? I thought why? Why Phelps? I was very angry!However in April 2014,he announced that he wouldreturn to professional competition at the age of 28.
In 2001 he set the world record in the 200.meter butterfly when he was 15 years old,he was the youngest male swimmer in the history.
If you can see, he is the better swimmer! applauses for him! :D I really admire his career.
What do you think about him? Do you admire his achivements? 
That's all guys! Thanks for your comments! 
Seee you.


Madalist:Mark SPITZ

Hy guys! Today I'm going to write about Mark Spitz he was a olimpic medalist.
So let's start!
His full name is Mark Andrew Spitz. He was born in February 10,in  1950.He is an american swimmer. He 've participated nine times in Olympic Games.
I think that his greatest achivement was when he won 7 gold medals at the1972 Summer Olympic in Munich. He was the best swimme rfor long time, however in 2008 Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals at the Summer Games in Beijin. So he lost his record. Do you believe that? 
I think that this happens in the real life.You are very good in something but there are some people better than you. What do you think?...
Well, during his career he won:
9 gold medals

      1 silver medal
        1 bronze medal
For that reason he is consider one of the most important swimmers around the world. Wow! 
Nowadays he is 64 years old, his birthday is coming... 
What do you think about him? Do you prefer Michael Phelps? :o
That's all guys! See you! c:

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

Medalist:Jenny THOMPSON

Hi guys! How do you feel today? I hope you are fine! 
Today I'm going to write about the most important swimmer woman! applause! applause! :3 
I really admire she! 

Her full name is: Jennifer Beth Thompson (Jenny Thompson)
She was born in February 26,1973. She is from United States.
She is an american swimmer and one of the most decorated Olympians in history.
During her career she've participated in Athens 2004 Sydney 2000 Atlanta 1996 Barcelona 1992
She won 12 medals. She won 8 gold medals,3 silver medals and 1 bronze medal. Wow! Can you imagine? She is a successful swimmer,isn't she? 

I've writen about the swimming styles but  she prefers Butterfly and Crowl(freestyle).
So, I guess that you understand the styles than she prefers.

What do you think about her achivements? Would you like more information about she? What do you like about she?

There are some successfuls women,I think that we have to learn  what do you think?

That's all guys! see you! c:


Hi everyone! How are you? Fine?
Well,today I'm going to write about que equiment that you need in swimming. I think that no matter the brand but I prefer Arena. Let's start!
You must use:
-Swimming cap
-Swimming gear
When you use goggle you protect your eyes because the swimming pool contein chlorine.I remember that my sister didn't use goggles and she had infection in her eyes.
The goggles help you when you see underwater.
I don't like to use the swimming cap because I sometimes have  headache.
There are differentes styles of swimming gear,So you choise whatever that you prefer! 
When you go to the swimming pool don't forget your equiment.:D
What equipment do you use?...
That's all guys! See you! c: